
中國丹東 – 北韓新義州 (1日遊)

中國北京/ 瀋陽/ 丹東 – 北韓平壤(4至6日遊)

中國圖們 – 北韓羅先 (2日遊)

以及中國圖們 – 北韓清津(5日遊)


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JILIN PROVINCE, CHINA - May 08: Chinese tourists tour a boat trip on the Tumen river that takes them as close as 1 meter near North Korea to have a peep at the forbidden country, at the Chinese-North Korean border on May 8, 2009 in Tumen, Jilin province, China. On May 25, 2009, North Korea conducted a nuclear test - raising immediate international condemnation. The next day, it fired three short-range missiles, showing how little it cared about this condemnation. China is the one and only ally of North Korea. (Photo by Lucas Schifres/Getty Images)


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